Learn To Make A Room Spray or Perfume…


Room sprays are quite fun to make, very easy and of course they make your house smell lovely.  Room Sprays are easy because you don’t need many ingredients or any special equipment.   It only takes a few minutes to mix and the results are long lasting.  It’s really the most affordable way to fragrance your room.

The most common question we face is what type of room spray should I use.  This article will outline the different kinds we can teach you, so by the end of this article you should be able to make  the decision that best suits your needs.

Making a Room Spray using:

Standard Room Spray Base

The solubiliser (also sometimes referred to as an emulsifier) is what we refer to as the Standard Room Spray Base.  It’s job is to combine and disperse the Fragrance Oils and/or Essential Oils into the Demineralised Water.  You see water and oil are not friends, they will continually separately if there is no emulsifier to keep them blended together.  If the oil continually separates, then you risk the mist spray pump getting damaged and clogged up with fragrance oil.

The amount of Room Spray Base to use is a 1:1 ratio with fragrance. So, if you are using 5% fragrance you need 5% Room Spray Base. Some individual Fragrances or Essential Oils will vary slightly, but this is usually sufficient for most blends.

The Preservative is optional

Bacteria grows in warm humid conditions, so if you are going to keep the Room Spray you make for any length of time you will need to use a preservative, for example 0.3% Liquid Germall® Plus

With no preservative the solutions are best kept in the fridge for longer shelf life and may last up to 8 weeks. With preservative added, shelf life is approximately 6 to 9 months.  Exact expiry dates can not be provided unless you have your product and formula challenge tested in a lab which comes with some significant cost.  It’s for this reason we suggest using our perfume base if you plan on selling room sprays B2B.

It will be Milky

Achieving a clear solution using this very basic emulsifying method is very difficult due to the many combination of ingredients in Fragrances and the different characteristics of Essential Oils. You can try adding a little more Room Spray Base, or try adding pure alcohol will sometimes help to clarify the solution and will act as a preservative as well.

When using this water base room spray, it is best to avoid spraying over surfaces and fabrics that may be affected by moisture or essential oils or fragrance droplets.


Making a Room Spray using our

Premium Grade Perfume Base

This method will cost a little more but it comes with piece of mind for those who want a product they can sell wholesale.  The main structure of this Perfume base is cosmetic grade ethanol plus a number of other ingredients.  This means it has an inbuilt preservative system.  So you just need to mix the Premium grade perfume base and fragrance or essential oil. That’s it! And you will always have a clear mix.

Using for Perfume Application

If you want to use it as an ‘on skin’ perfume you must ensure you use high quality premium grade fragrance oils.  If just being used as a Room Spray, most soap safe fragrances are suitable, just be sure to check the safe usage application.



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